Maryanne Stanislaw is a spiritual director trained in Ignatian Spirituality

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Maryanne Stanislaw is a Spiritual Director and a Companion of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, as well as a retreat facilitator and a study group leader. She is a graduate of Embracing the Holy Spiritual Direction Program at the Urban Spirituality Center, in Portland, OR and the Pierre Favre Program to give the Spiritual Exercises at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos, CA. During Covid, she continued her ministry by growing her online presence in Spiritual Direction and Group Work.  Maryanne has been studying St. Ignatius’ relationship with women, how he was inspired by them and how he continues to inspire women today. Her studies led her to form a group for Ignatian Spiritual Directors to further study, discuss and contemplate the Spiritual Exercises. 

Maryanne offers the 19th Annotation (Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life) one on one over 9 months. She also offers shorter courses and an introduction to Ignatian Spirituality. Please email her for more information.